Scoliosis Bracing in Burlington
What Is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a progressive, lateral curvature of the spine. When viewed from the side, the spine should have curves. But when viewed from the front, the spine should be straight. Scoliosis is more than 10 degrees of curve, with rotation of the vertebrae.
The most common type is “adolescent idiopathic scoliosis”—idiopathic means “of unknown origin.” Research into the cause of the condition suggests there may be a genetic factor that affects the control of the growth of the spine, and it affects both children and adults. In young children, it’s a very serious condition, as it can rapidly progress as the child grows.
What Makes ScoliBrace® Unique?
ScoliBrace is an evidence-based, non-surgical treatment for scoliosis and kyphosis in children, adolescents, and adults. It is only available through ScoliCare clinics and certified providers.
This unique bracing approach brings together the best technology, evidence-based techniques, and experienced clinicians to get the best possible outcome for patients. No two braces are the same, and your customized brace is as unique as your curve.

What to Expect
Rather than following the traditional mindset of trying to immobilize the spine, our approach genuinely attempts to individualize the correction, to achieve improved alignment of the spine and body posture while in the brace.
The over-corrective approach harnesses spinal coupling, not 3-point pressure, to better position the three-dimensional posture of the body. In this position, the brace then works to retrain the neurological connection between the brain, joints, and muscles to control the body posture, helping the body adapt to its “new normal”—ideally a straighter spine.
If you believe your child might have scoliosis, use this helpful screening tool,, or call The Healing Path Chiropractic and Wellness Centre to schedule a checkup. We’re here to help.